Florida Optician's Licenses Expire Soon
All Florida Optician's Licenses will expire on December 31st, 2014.
The exciting news is that renewal fees have been reduced this biennium by $25, to $130 total due for the next two year biennium.
Please know that the Florida Department of Health will now verify your continuing education records when you renew your professional license. License verification should be seamless, however, for more information on checking your records, see our post on CE Broker here.
You can easily renew your license on-line with the Florida Department of Health. To renew online, or to print out a form that you can mail in with your check, follow this link to the Florida Department of Health' Division of Medical Quality Assurance Services' webpage:
To login, you'll need your original User ID & password that was included on your initial physical license. If you are unable to log on for any reason, you will need to contact the Fl DOH by phone or email:
Hours of operation: 8am to 6pm EST M-F
Remember, the DOH will be closed on wkds and holidays, so don't wait. December 15 is about the last possible day for late procrastination.