Changes To Ohio Law:
SCD Contact Lens Dispensing Course now required for Spectacle Licenses
As many of you Ohio licensees already know, Ohio passed HB258 in December 2014 allowing licensed spectacle dispensing opticians to dispense pre-packaged soft contact lenses after January 1, 2016 by matching the description of the contact lens to a written prescription.
The new law also mandates 2 hours of contact lens continuing education focused on dispensing for all spectacle licensed opticians. The hours need to be taken before January 2016 and will be an annual requirement. Contact lens and dual-licensed dispensing opticians do not have to take any additional courses.
CEDO is now offering this 2-hr SCD course via homestudy for just $18, available for immediate download. We are also offering all 6 hours for license renewal in-class this October/November in 3 cites: Dublin, Independence and Blue Ash.
This course meets the new requirements for Spectacle Licenses in Ohio, whether taken via homestudy or in-class. (SCD in-class pending approval. Home-study already approved.)
Click HERE to sign up or read more....