What Is CEDO?
CEDO stands for Continuing Education for Dispensing Opticians
Founded in 1982, we're the #1 education innovators with quality, location, variety and price.
That makes 42 years of experience and dedication to the optical profession!
We vowed over 35 years ago to have the best quality speakers available to our profession. It is important to us that you are presented with unbiased assessments of the products and practices of our industry, as much as is humanly possible.
We've heard your requests for course variety from which to choose, and currently have 6 speakers with 2 more coming in the upcoming biennium. We particularly don't rely on trade representatives because we are seeking impartial discussions of the pros and cons on any given optical concern. Read more about our speakers here.
We currently serve opticians in seven states.
Read more about CEDO's mission here.

Who Is CEDO?
Hi ! My name is David Wood, director of CEDO.
As many of you already know, I have personally worked in the Optical profession for over 50 years. My license number in Florida is 975, a testament to my long-standing dedication in itself.
I have dedicated the past 42 years to developing CEDO into the best continuing education platform for opticians in the history of optical licensure. I have a passion for this profession and wish to keep us as Professionals and not just sales clerks! To do this we all need to think about the profession of Opticianry and how we each can make a difference to improve our skills and even pick up some of the vintage concepts of this job that makes us more like our predecessors and made them stand out as professional Opticians and not something that can be sold online! This means we all need to analyze and fine tune our skills in Fitting & Adjusting Eyewear as this is something nobody can do online.
Rest assured, there will be many more years ahead to help Opticians stay compliant with the laws and rules!
A Bit of HIstory --
David Wood is a fourth generation optician, so you could say his dedication to the field of opticianry is "in his veins". His great-grandfather, also David Wood, was a traveling oculist in the late 1890's, traveling throughout the southern states of Georgia, Alabama and Florida.
A traveling oculist in those years practiced all aspects of the eyecare profession: examining the eyes, prescribing spectacles, and fitting and dispensing the actual eyewear. The oculist was an all-in-one forerunner of our present day ophthalmologist, optometrist and optician.
Of course, there were maybe a half dozen frames to choose between, and spherical lenses only, but the travel itself presented its own challenges. Instruments, diagnostic tools and samples were clunky and heavy at best. Remember, 1890's was still the horse and buggy days.
Marketing one's self was a constant struggle, as was maintaining licensure in all the various jurisdictions, as the local governments attempted to control the charlatans that would exploit the transient nature of the job. Peripatetic practitioners (as all the traveling professionals were called) as a whole had a tough time earning respect and trust.
But the Wood Family in Optics always prevails and the saga continues . . .

A typical Snellen chart. Originally developed by Dutch ophthalmologist Herman Snellen in 1862, to estimate visual acuity.
Come join CEDO for fun in education and help us write the next chapter in the Future of Optics!
And to all our current loyal members also reading this page:
a big thank you for helping make CEDO the success we are today.

We offer ABO & NCLE approved
hours at every seminar!